Avivit Fisher

best online resources for therapists in private practice

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

Now, more than ever, clinicians who decide to open and run their own therapy business can find the information they need on attracting new clients, building a reputation, and finding the right business resources through podcasts, newsletters, social media, and other channels.

To set yourself up for success in the new year, check out this list of the best online resources that offer valuable content for therapists in private practice.

Best podcasts for therapists

The Practice of the Practice podcast with Joe Sanok covers everything it takes to make your service-based private practice more awesome. Learn killer ways to grow your referrals, save tons of money, and have some fun along the way.

The Practice of Therapy with Gordon Brewer helps therapists, counselors, and other mental health clinicians start, build and grow in their private practices. Whether you are just starting into private practice or have been in it a while, it will give you information to help you grow and succeed!

Selling the Couch with Melvin Varghese is the #1 podcast for mental health private practitioners. Listening to it, you'll learn how successful business owners get referrals, make money, work through fears, and how they've stopped "trading time for income."

Starting a counseling practice success stories with Kelly and Miranda, Private Practice Experts who speak with successful practice owners about how they created lives and businesses they love. Whether you're new to private practice or already successful and looking to expand, you'll find plenty of stories to get motivated and start designing the practice of your dreams!

Money Skills for Therapists the Podcast with Linzy Bonham demystifies all things private practice finances through short and sweet solo episodes, conversations with therapists who have transformed their relationships with money, and live coaching calls with Money Skills for Therapists students.

The Flourishing Therapreneur with Claire Blakey is a weekly podcast that empowers therapists with inspiration, tools, and tangible takeaways to implement as they cultivate thriving practices and entrepreneurship ventures.

Mind Money Balance is the no-guilt, no-shame podcast to help you get your mind and money in balance. In this podcast, host Lindsay Bryan-Podvin interviews guests and lends her expertise as a financial therapist to help listeners learn more about the emotional side of money.

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best social media accounts for therapists to follow

Private Practice Skills is a YouTube channel hosted by Dr. Marie Fang. It offers tips to make the process of starting private practice simple and accessible. Access information she's learned along the way. Learn to start your business, build your brand, market yourself, and maintain your practice with these quick weekly tools.

Abundance Practice Building by Allison Puryear is an engaging Instagram channel that inspires therapists to quit their agency job and start their private practice life. The fun and engaging content offers valuable advice and tips on business building and marketing.

Private Practice Startup is another awesome Instagram account for therapists that are looking for information to start a private practice. Loaded with content on business tools and resources, it's created by two licensed therapists Kate and Katie.

The Private Practice Pro from Kelley Stevens is an Instagram account that teaches therapists how to build cash-pay, private practices.

John Cordray is a Licensed Therapist & Founder of the Mental Health Community who teaches mental health providers video and audio skills on LinkedIn.

BEST NEWSLETTErs for therapists

Therapy Marketer is a weekly newsletter for therapists that teaches marketing in 5 minutes or less. Every week you'll get free tips that help therapists get better at marketing. Always concise with actionable takeaways.

Behavioral Health Business is an independent source for breaking news and up-to-date information on the mental health and addiction recovery industry. It's focused on covering the trends, ideas, and people shaping the future of the industry.

Therapy Business Brief was created for therapy business owners. Every week therapists get the best hand-picked industry news, trends, and marketing tips to help them fill their schedules and take their practice to the next level.

Brighter Vision's weekly newsletter offers tips, webinars, and advice on digital marketing that help therapists build a private practice.

All Things Private Practice is created by Patrick Casale and is true to its name. Every week you'll get private practice tips, podcast updates, and special offers. Added bonus: you'll get a free Private Practice startup guide when you subscribe.

best blogs for therapists

Pollen is an online magazine created by Simple Practice that features articles on topics like therapy business, marketing, wellness, and inspiration. Written by a collective of writers, it sets the gold standard in the health and wellness space.

Simplified SEO is a unique blog that dives deep into everything SEO. Created and written by Jessica Tappana, a licensed therapist, and her team it offers articles on subjects like keyword research, blogging, local SEO, and much more.

Private Practice from the inside out is written by Tamara Suttle who writes all about the business of having a successful clinical practice.

The REdD Strategy blog is an online library of guides, tools, and articles on all things marketing for therapists. It offers in-depth articles on branding, strategies for attracting and retaining clients, business tools for practice growth, and marketing resources.

The Counseling Geek is a clever blog written by Jeff Ream on the topic of school counseling technology.

The Counselor's Coach founder Mari A. Lee is a licensed therapist and trusted business coach, author, and speaker. Mari has written extensive blogs about practice building and growth to support clinical professionals. She helps therapists create multiple income streams and passive income, writes books and courses, and has excellent materials available on her Therapist Toolbox page.
