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  • Writer's pictureAvivit Fisher

How to Save Time with Proactive Marketing

How would you describe your marketing style? Is it proactive or reactive?

Many businesses fall into the trap of creating a reactive style of marketing. They react to their market’s demands by creating frenzied promotional tactics that deliver short term results. Sometimes these tactics work, but often they can exhaust your energy and budget very quickly. There are many tools and channels to promote your business. How do you determine what you should focus on?

Changing your style to proactive marketing can help you avoid distraction and save a big chunk of your marketing budget. Assessing your current marketing state is an important first step if you decide to grow your practice. To help you with that, I created a Marketing Checklist template.

After you will see what the current state of your marketing is, you will be able to understand better what makes sense and what does not. What channel costs too much for the results it's yielding and what is simply contradicting the goals you set for your business. Understanding your present situation will help you set more realistic goals and set the strategy to attain them. This exercise will put you in a position of control, in which you will take charge of your marketing.

"Changing your style to proactive marketing can help you avoid distraction and save a big chunk of your marketing budget."

If you want to talk about creating a proactive marketing style in detail, you can schedule a FREE Discovery Call today.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


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About Avivit Fisher

She is the founder of REdD Strategy and a Mental Health Marketing Expert. Avivit has been working with therapists since 2017, helping them build successful practices, transition from insurance to private pay business models, and attract clients who need their help.

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