Avivit Fisher

It’s All About Value: A Guide to Writing a Value Proposition For Your Therapy Practice

The value-based care model is an emerging trend in the healthcare industry. Focusing on a patient's outcomes, it's quickly replacing the fee-for-service model. For therapists, this means focusing more on the value they provide to their clients as opposed to showcasing their expertise and experience.

More than ever, a core marketing message rooted in a value proposition is needed to address people's needs when it comes to mental health. It lets clients know why they should choose your practice over others, and what sets you apart from other therapists out there.

With this guide, you'll learn how to create an effective value proposition that will help attract clients and create a sustainable therapy business.

Define Your Audience and Their Needs

Before you can craft a successful value proposition, you need to identify your ideal client and understand their needs and wants. Ask yourself a few critical questions to define the audience you want to focus on:

Who is my ideal client?

What exactly are they looking for in therapy services?

Doing this work and getting to know your ideal client will be your first step in creating a unique value proposition that resonates with your intended audience.

If you need help identifying your ideal client, use this questionnaire to guide you.

Understand the Benefits You Bring to Potential Clients

Your value proposition needs to clearly communicate the benefits your practice offers to potential clients. These benefits must be directly tied to the needs and wants of your ideal target client.

For example, if your ideal client is a mom of a teenager, the thing that she might desire most is re-establishing trust with her child. And that might manifest itself in her wanting to have a 20-minute daily conversation without arguing.

Your goal here is to focus on how you can provide a solution that is superior to other options in the area. This will help establish trust with potential clients and show them why they should choose you over other providers.

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Highlight Your Unique Selling Points

Now that you've established the essence of your services to yourself, you can use these findings to establish the potential outcomes for your clients. These are your unique selling points.

People are looking for solutions to their problems. They are not looking for therapy services just because they're curious. Your ideal client is struggling with an issue that they can't resolve on their own. Your value proposition needs to highlight what possible solutions your audience can achieve by working with you.

Summing it up

To craft a unique value proposition you need to focus on 3 elements:

  1. Your ideal client within the niche you'd like to work in.

  2. The benefits your client will have by choosing you as their therapist.

  3. The potential positive outcomes therapy with you can help them achieve.

So if we go back to the example of the mom I mentioned earlier, here's how you should think about it:

A mom of a teenager is seeking to strengthen her relationship with her child and is seeking a therapist that can help her with reducing fighting, improving the time spent together, etc.

With that in mind, you can create a unique value proposition for your therapy practice that will help you build a strong therapy brand.
