Avivit Fisher

The Overlooked Benefit of Strategic Partnerships

Statistics Netherlands conducted a National Survey which revealed that young people between ages 12-25, who suffer from depression also suffer from health related ailments such as migraines, allergies, dizziness and back conditions.

This finding is interesting, not only because it shows the connection between mental and physical health, but also because multiple people might be treating different symptoms, of possibly, the same problem. We know that certain diseases and health conditions can trigger depression. Even a highly treatable disease like Celiac can trigger depression and anxiety in adults. It is only logical that a vice versa situation is possible too.

Referrals are an amazingly effective marketing tool that breaks the trust barrier a client feels with a new provider.

Unfortunately, the providers treating the same problem don't always communicate or form a referral partnership that would allow to have a clearer communication about a patient and also create a way to grow their own practices. Referrals are an amazingly effective marketing tool that breaks the trust barrier a client feels with a new provider. Let me ask you how likely would it be for you to trust another specialist that was referred by your doctor? Probably very likely. So what do you do to market yourself to another provider that might treat the same patient you can help from?

Forming strategic partnerships can help you focus and reach a specific type of client that you would like to work with, your ideal client. Defining who you would like to work with and understanding their overall health condition is important when you are building your marketing plan. You will have an idea of how you can network and who you can form relationships with.

If you want to learn more about different ways to market your practice ethically, download the Free Guide To Ethical Marketing.
