Avivit Fisher

Opportunity's Knocking. Harness The Growing Mental Health Awareness To Lead The Conversation.

The conversation about Mental Health is becoming more and more prominent in our society. It is being discussed in different social circles. From celebrities to teenagers.

The cover stories of the last two issues of The Atlantic examine the societal mental health condition; the December issue was dedicated to the sex recession and January to anger. Telehealth apps are working extensively on researching the relationships between physical and mental health to offer a better service to their users.

I recently attended the Stigma-Free Symposium in Paramus, NJ where school kids talked about the challenges they are facing with anxiety and depression. I was impressed by the progressive nature of the discussions around mental health issues and illnesses. There were many activist organizations present as well as schools representatives and just individuals like myself.

I see it as a unique opportunity for private practices owners to become active participants in this national conversation and offer your expert opinion on specific issues. It is time to become aware of the opportunities that exist to offer professional help to those in need and position yourself as a thought leader and an expert on a particular issue.

I mention an opportunity, because it's an important element of your marketing strategy. If you attend a business school, one of the first things that you are tasked to do is to create a SWOT analysis for a business (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). And it is in the Opportunities section where the most creative solutions and breakthroughs come to life. When you understand the opportunities around you, you can plan your business development in a way that will welcome them as they appear and help you grow.

Your private practice is a business and you need to think about your SWOT as a part of your outreach strategy. Listen to the people who need your services, the people who are looking for answers from you.

And if you don't know where to begin, contact me so I can guide you through. I offer a Free Discovery Call, so reach out now to start growing your practice!

Photo by Paul Skorupskas on Unsplash
